Rob Cowan

County: Whitfield

Date Appointed/Elected: Thu Jan 01 2015 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1266 Dalton, GA 30722, Dalton, 30722

Preferred Method of Contact: No preference

Email Address:


Bio: I am 5'10" and beautifully bald. I am a Pieces and right hand dominant, though I play pool left handed. I work hard and find time to play and recharge. You have to recharge. I have an active lifestyle - run, hike, kayak, live music. I sometimes listen to music too loud and shake my money maker, in public or in the kitchen. I drink too much, but who is really going to judge me for that. I love to cook so you can sit back and let me satisfy your hunger. I can dance, but best when doing my old man dance. If you like pina coladas, I may not be your cup of tea. Keep the umbrella for a rainy day. Now let me help you be a great Municipal Court Judge.